Hello! Yoshida · Nishiura Laboratory Laboratory Mr. Nakamura is 2nd year master.
Yoshida · Nishiura laboratory has students from China’s North China Electric University since June 25th as a UTSIP internship student.
This is a program called UTSIP Kashiwa, a summer internship program of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, to accept excellent overseas undergraduate students and experience the research. Every year in our laboratory we have been doing research with UTSIP students from various countries such as India and the UK for about a month.
Since Master 1 year is the subject and studying and living together as a tutor of UTSIP, I will explain my lab in English in a short while I am enrolled and teach that I do not understand UTSIP students I will deepen my understanding of my research content. Interacting with foreign students of the same generation in this way is a very good opportunity for students to improve their communication skills to collaborate with overseas researchers and to learn about cultural differences It is.
On July 13th, I went to the National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (NIFS) in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, along with UTSIP students. The Nuclear Fusion Science Institute has a Large Helical Device (LHD), and a variety of plasma studies are underway to realize a future helical nuclear fusion reactor. Our laboratory is actively collaborating with this nuclear fusion science laboratory. I would like to introduce a little about the situation at the time of the visit.
After introducing such as plasma experiments on video, we went on a tour of the facility.
The above picture is the control room of a large helical device. During the experiment, control of the equipment and data collection are carried out here. It also became a shooting location for TV drama “Shimomachi rocket”. (Scene of JAXS control room)
There was a corner where you can experience virtual reality (VR) entering into a large helical device. It was very fun, as the plasma came close to me and I could experience the sense of walking around the closed space.
Since no plasma experiment was done on this day, I went to the vicinity of the equipment and I was able to see things that I can not normally see, such as measuring instruments actually used.
The large helical device is about 13 m in diameter and is the world’s largest superconducting plasma confinement device using Heliotron magnetic field coordination. It was very impressive. In front of the equipment, I took pictures with members who went to Yoshida · Nishiura laboratory to visit.
I learned the difference between my laboratory’s equipment (magnetospheric type plasma equipment RT-1) and measuring instruments, which I learned.
At the National Institute for Fusion Science, open to the public etc. is carried out. Everyone, please visit the fusion science laboratory once by all means. If you are interested in plasma nuclear fusion, please come and visit Yoshida · Nishiura laboratory.
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