A summer school of Princeton University · Tokyo University Plasma Education Program in the whole program started this year with the cooperation of Princeton University and the University of Tokyo from June 5th. Following a lecture on plasma science and engineering at Princeton University from June 5th, students from the University of Tokyo are sent to Princeton University, Princeton University students are dispatched to the University of Tokyo on a full-budget program budget, and exchange studies have started. Pre-Ene · Ono laboratory TS, UTST experiment and Princeton large Flare experiment become the core laboratory, and over the next one and a half months, experiments of magnetic flux linkage experiment, heating experiment, spherical tokamak experiment, hallstaster development, Hinode satellite Topics on solar observation, solar and space plasma simulation, etc. Training is conducted utilizing facilities such as experiments, observations, and calculators of both Japan and the United States. On June 20, the Japanese side group continued the Kinugawa training course following a tour of JT – 60 SA. Lecture will be held from July 10 at the University of Tokyo. Currently, eight undergraduate and young students selected from both universities are studying exchange studies, receiving practical education of plasma science and engineering with a new concept that integrates experiments, observations, and theories. Students study not only the research but also the studies of both Japan and the United States through student exchange at both universities and spread the circle of friends every year. The picture shows the state of the JT-60SA tour society and the class scenery.
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