M2 Hou Zeya received the Award.
On March 14, 2018, Mr. Hou Zeya of the Osaki Laboratory received the Dean of the Graduate School of...
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2019 (H.31)Graduate School Entry Examination Session
For 2019 (H.31) graduate school entrance examination, the entrance examination briefing session will be carried out as follows. If...
AJCPP2018 @ Xiamen
The Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power (AJCPP) 2018 was held in Xiamen City, China from March 14th...
Professor Mr. Takeda’s final lecture and retirement memorial exchange party
Professor of Advanced Energy Engineering, retired from the University of Tokyo as of March 31, 2018 (concurrently undergraduate department...
Received Young Engineer Award at IEEE Power Electronics Society Japan Chapter
Mr. Katsuhiro Hata (PhD course 3rd year) belonging to Hori Fujimoto Laboratory, received the Young Engineer Award from the...
2017 NEC C & C Young Excellent Paper Award
In 2017 NEC C & C Young Excellent Paper Award, Mr. Katsuhiro Hata of Hori Fujimoto laboratory was chosen.
M2 Sekine Hokuto-kun, M1 Nishii Keita received the Student Excellence Award at the Space Science and Technology Alliance lecture
Mr. Hokuto Sekine (M2), Keita Nishii (M2) of Koizumi Laboratory of this course at the 61st Space Science and...
Assoc. prof. Hiroyuki Koizumi and others won the IEPC 2015 Best Paper Award.
At the Inernational Electric Propulsion Conference (International Electrotechnical Commission, IEPC 2017) held at Atlanta, USA from Sunday, 9th to...
Assoc. prof. Hiroshi Fujimoto and others won the 2017 IEEE Power Electronics Transactions First Prize Paper Award.
Papers published by IEEE Transactions Power Electronics at July 2016, Mr. Sato, Mr. Yamamoto, Mr. Daisuke Gunji, Takehiro Inamura...
Participation in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEPC)@ Atlanta
I have participated in IEPC 2017 @ Atalanta with 6 Koizumi students. IEPC is held once every two years...
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