Professor of Advanced Energy Engineering, retired from the University of Tokyo as of March 31, 2018 (concurrently undergraduate department of aerospace engineering department of engineering department) Professor Mitsuo Takeda will give a lecture on March 2 at the Kashiwa Library Media Hall of the University of Tokyo I was told. With more than 180 audience members from universities and industries gathered, Professor Mitsuo Takeda, who has been working on “Evolution of Composite Materials for Aerospace and Aircraft – From Experimental Microscopy to Life Cycle Monitoring” Visualization and formulation of damage occurrence / development process at the micron level of carbon fiber reinforced plastic resin-based composite material (CFRP) that was made, development of world’s first small diameter optical fiber for composite material embedding and innovation using it The lecture was given on the development of measurement technology and further on the approach to intellectual production science of composite structure by integration with molding simulation computational science method. The audience listened attentively to a wide range of unique experiences in research and education activities for 40 years, which continued pursuing Japan and your own identity after earning a degree in the United States from childhood.
After that, we moved to Kashiwanoha leaf conference center and a retirement memorial exchange party was held. Starting with a joint toast by Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Foundation Sciences and Kashiwa Campus Research Institute and joint research by Dr. Nobuo Takeda, who was also a graduate of the New Area Creation Sciences, who symbolized friendship within the Kashiwa campus The meeting proceeded in a warm atmosphere. Many laboratory graduates also gathered, and a circle was born, mainly by Prof. Takeda Takeda, and flowers bloomed in nostalgic stories. In addition, musical dance by professional dancers was also shown, and Prof. Mr. Mutsuo Takeda jumped in, and all the participants had a good time.
I sincerely pray for Mr. Mitsuo Takeda ‘s health and success.
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