Hello, this is Tanabe, a major teacher. Summer vacation has started. The busy season of final reports and mid-term examinations has calmed down, and I think you are taking a break during the Obon holidays. In this laboratory as well, the large-scale renovation of the equipment that started in early spring has come to an end, and the entire laboratory is about to enter the summer vacation. I have taken very nice pictures of everyone in the lab after finishing the work, so I would like to introduce the recent trends in the lab with those photos.
The pictures shown here are the internal and external pictures of the vacuum chamber of the plasma coalescence experimental device called TS-6, and the cross-sectional view of the overall structure output from 3D-CAD. In the S1S2 term, all the connections between the center coil and the TF coil of the vacuum vessel were removed, the large lid of the vessel was opened, and the upgrading work of the PF (poloidal magnetic field) coil group intersecting with the center coil installed inside was carried out. Until last year, it was operating as a special experimental device for spherical tokamak, but in this construction, a new coil was installed, which is a PF coil called a flux core with an additional winding for local toroidal magnetic field injection. It is also planned to generate plasma spheromak configuration (forceless magnetic configuration where current J and magnetic field B satisfy J //B). By merging spheromak plasmas with reversed toroidal magnetic fields, it is possible to generate reversed magnetic field configuration (FRC) where there is no toroidal magnetic field at all. Operation in the range becomes possible, and research on a wider range of academic themes becomes possible.
About 20 students, including the members of Yasushi Ono, are currently participating in the TS-6 experiment. There are many students who are able to think and act on their own in the field, and of course, in areas related to their respective research themes, as well as in the field of large-scale renovation of the equipment as a whole, they work flexibly by talking to each other. I’m here. Plasma research is a field in which once an experiment begins, it takes a long time to thoroughly study electromagnetism and physics. It was an activity that fully mobilized mechanical know-how, such as leak testing of equipment, repair work for improvement, stud bolt welding, etc. The work was tough, but if we could master how the plasma experimental equipment we use is configured and grasp the design know-how, we should be able to design the equipment ourselves. I think it was the days when I was able to grasp the image.
Now, back to the photos, this kind of large-scale renovation just came to a major conclusion before the Bon Festival, and it was a timely time, so I introduced it on my major blog. On the end side of the inside of the vacuum equipment after work, you can see the smiling faces of the students, who have finished their work. You can really feel the sense of fulfillment. It was everyone cheers for good work. Have a nice summer vacation.

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