National Conference of the Electrostatics Society of Japan @ Kumamoto

National Conference of the Electrostatics Society of Japan @ Kumamoto

Ryo Ono Lab Master’s 2nd year chapter.
How are you all? Ono Lab’s M2 and Prof. Ono attended the National Conference of the Electrostatics Society held at Kumamoto University from September 11 to 13. At this meeting of the Electrostatics Society of Japan, presentations on research and technology related to “electrostatics” were made. Listening to a wide range of presentations from basic research to applied research, I broadened my horizons.
The three members of M2 presented their master’s research results. I made a presentation on the first morning of the conference on the theme of measuring OH radicals generated from a streamer. Although the presentation was in English, I looked at the reaction at the venue and tried to make future presentations easier to understand. Mr. Inoue gave a presentation on microwave OH radical measurement on the first afternoon. On the second day, Kondo gave a presentation on the antitumor effects of using plasma and antibodies in combination.
There was a social gathering on the first night of the conference, all of the teacher and M2. There was a lot of local Kumamoto dishes and local sake at the reception, and the horse sashimi and sashimi were delicious. At the social gathering, we interacted with the participants, discussed the research, and it was fun.

By the way, since this conference was in Kumamoto, I went to sightseeing in my free time, and it was my first time in Kumamoto. After the 2016 earthquake, Japan is interested in the reconstruction of Kumamoto. This time, I couldn’t enter Kumamoto Castle yet, but I was impressed with the hope and enthusiasm for reconstruction from all over the town during sightseeing.

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