Hello everyone, Yokota Nishiura Laboratory Master of Year 1 Yokota.
On Thursday, 20th September 2018, a meeting of tears and tears was held at Yoshida Nishiura laboratory.
It is a farewell party of Associate Professor Nishiura who is determined to be transferred to the Fusion Research Institute from October this year.
The venue was “THE MEAT DUTCH” near the Kashiwanoha campus station, and a friendly meeting with delicious hamburgers and stews was held.
However, the friendly atmosphere was also an impressive farewell party that gave a memorable gift and a colored paper to the middle of the meeting and exchange hot embraces without tears withered.
Although our Master’s 1st year was as short as about half a year, I was indebted to Mr. Nishiura.
I wish Mr. Nishiura for his continued success.
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