The May Festival

The May Festival

Hello, I’m Ohubuchi, a 1st-year graduate student at Baba Laboratory.

Here, I’d like to introduce the exhibition of our laboratory at the May Festival last month.

In the laboratory exhibition of EEIC (The department of electric engineering, information, and communication) which is managed mainly by undergraduate students, Baba laboratory had a test-drive event of a small Maglev Train. On the before the festival, at the Engineering Bld.2, all laboratory students cooperated on the preparation for our laboratory exhibition and learned the principle of Maglev to explain to the visitors. The laid coils are shown in the picture. The interaction between this coil and the aluminum layer behind the car body puts the car forward.

On the day it was very popular among children as a hand-made exhibition you can ride on, and the sight of children enjoying the riding was very smiling. Of course, it was very successful because not only children but also adults who love railways also enjoyed the test-drive. During the festival, the visitors made questions positively. The most common question was that “Why is it floating?”, but, actually, the Maglev of our laboratory was not floating. It is the one called iron-gear type and one of the Maglevs. If you are interested, please search “Maglev”. You will become more familiar with railways.

Now that the May Festival has ended, so I’m determined to brace up my nerves and focus on research life.

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