The 10th Symposium of Deep Space Exploration Science

This time with the theme of "New space exploration open flight flight", a plurality of spacecraft By simultaneously using it, a challenging mission that can not be done by a single large satellite We will present presentations from multiple fields on the concept to carry out. Discussions on common subjects across fields and discusses how to proceed in the future by experts in science and engineering We will conduct a panel discussion. Please come and join us. Date: 3rd December 2018 (Monday) 10: 20-17: 00 Location: The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus Kashiwa Library Media Hall Theme: Formation Flight opens New space exploration program 10: 20 ~ 10: 30 Opening remarks Keiji Mitani (University of Tokyo graduate school of founding science) 10: 30 ~ 11: 00 Study on formation flight technology to realize the most advanced mission of the universe Isao Kono (First Space Technology Division, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) 11: 00 ~ 11: 30 Space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO plan Shuichi Sato (School of Science and Engineering, Hosei University) 11: 30 ~ 12: 00 space Infrared celestial interferometer Taro Matsuo (Graduate School of Science, Osaka University) 12: 00 ~ 13: 00 Lunch 13: 00 ~ 13: 30 Possibility of Super Small Satellite Now and Formation Flight Mission Tetsu Risato (Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo) 13: 30 ~ 14: 00 Planet Orbiter radio occultation mission Hiroko Ando (Faculty of Science, Kyoto Sangyo University) 14: 00 ~ 14: 30 Ionosphere / Magnetosphere Exploration mission by multi-point network Yoshifumi Saito (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Yuzo Miyoshi (Nagoya University Space and Global Environment Research Institute) 14: 30 ~ 14: 40 break 14: 40 ~ 15: 10 Ultra compact probe dispersion deployment Mars exploration SPUR plan Kojiro Suzuki (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo) 15: 10 ~ 15: 40 Exploration of Mars surface using Mars dispersion probe Miyamoto Hideaki (Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo), Komatsu Goro (IRSPS) Lead Parsons (Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo) 15: 40 ~ 16: 10 Regional Meteorological Observatory of Mars - Arsia AMeDAS- Kogi Hara (School of Engineering, Shiga Prefectural University) 16: 10 ~ 16: 20 break 16: 20 ~ 16: 50 Panel Discussion 16: 50 ~ 17: 00 Closing remarks Takeshi Imamura (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo) The 10th Symposium on Deep Space Exploration Science Inquiries: Tsuyoshi Imamura (University of Tokyo)
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