Introduction of Laboratory
We operate social cooperative program “Measurement and control of noise and vibration for electric vehicles”. By using measuring instruments produced by Ono Sokki Co. Ltd. which is a cooperative company of this program, the noise and vibration of electric vehicles and flying cars are accurately measured. After that, we propose the vibration suppression control based on the measured data by utilizing the high-responsibility of electric motors. The final target is that we can spend time in a vehicle as in a living room. This study will accelerate the spread of electric vehicles and flying cars which are recently gathering attraction.
Career Summary
Sakahisa Nagai (Member, IEEE) received the B.E., M. E., and Ph. D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yokohama National University, Kanagawa, Japan, in 2014, 2016, and 2019, respectively.
Since 2019, he has been a project Assistant Professor with the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan.
His research intersts include sensorless actuation, motion control, wireless power transfer, and power electronics.
Dr. Nagai is a Member of IEE of Japan.