About Us

1. Department of Advanced Energy

ENERGY is the word to describe the potential for work to be done. Any creatures, communities, systems cannot continue to exist without their own mechanism for production, absorption, conversion, transmission and utilization of energy. The mission of the Department of Advanced Energy is to do the educational and research activities on energy-related issues from a wide view point of advanced modern physics, materials, instrumentation, control, system engineering, environmental science and so on.

We are aiming at making a contribution to human prosperity through Advanced Energy, gathering and synthesizing knowledge and technologies which have been studied separately in each academic field. The Department of Advanced Energy will do its best to extend the envelope of existing education & research fields in Energy Technology and Science and to be a pioneer in a new innovative area.

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2. Our Facilites and Challenges

We have several unique and large-scale facilities in the Experimental Building、such as plasma facilities RT-1, UTST and a hypersonic high-enthalpy wind tunnel. Utilizing these facilities for both education and research activities, we are pushing on the following high-revel projects in cooperation with, inside the university and outside. Of course, we cooperate with our partner institutions; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry.In the age of the ITER development, highly educated researchers are needed more than before.

In addition, we are requested to provide talented youth to industries and academic institutions in the wide range of fields from plasma physics to plasma applications. Therefore, research topics should be an integration of various fields, and students have to experience on-the-job training in the forefront of theoretical studies, experiments, and simulation researches. In this project, we’ll be a core of the network-type professional education and research system and promote academic exchange with world top-class universities and institutions in the field of plasma physics and fusion technologies in cooperation with Department of Complexity Science and Engineering.

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3. Large scale laboratory equipment

Department of Advanced Energy has a group of practical training equipment
that is at the highest level in the world,
We are aiming for advanced professional education
by bringing students to advanced research to use this.

1.RT-1 Plasma facility

A super-conducting coil is floating inside a vacuum chamber, in which high-speed circulating plasma is confined by the magnetic field generated by that floating coil. Advanced fusion and anti-matter plasma production are prospected.

2.Spherical tokamak device UTST

Spherical tokamak device UTST is expected to realize ultra-high beta plasma confinement., based on interdisciplinary collaboration between the reconnection heating technique by TS-3 and TS-4 merging experiment and the advanced RF heating technique by TST-2 experiment.

3.Hypersonic high-enthalpy wind tunnel

This can operate in a combustion wind tunnel mode (Total temperature 1800K) or a hypersonic wind tunnel mode (M=9). Applicable to supersonic combustion ram (SCRAM) engine tests and heat-shield material development for reentry vehicles.
Wind Tunnel Homepage


Route to Kashiwa campus:
The nearest station of Tsukuba Express is Kashiwanoha Campus Station.

The University of Tokyo operates a shuttle bus between Kashiwa Campus ⇔ TX Kashiwa no Ha Campus Station (Visitors and students can use it free of charge).
For details of departure and arrival place and operation time, please refer to here.

When using a bus, the nearest stop on the campus will be in front of Tokyo University or in front of the customs office. Please refer to the Bus route map and timetable Kashiwanoha campus station west exit → Tokyo University,
Tokyo University → Kashiwanoha campus station west entrance

Frontier Sciences,Transdisciplinary Sciences Building
Frontier Sciences,Transdisciplinary Sciences(Experimental Bldg.)