Innovation of Department of Advanced Energy website

Innovation of Department of Advanced Energy website

Hello, this is Hiroyuki Koizumi, a teacher at Advanced Energy Engineering. What I see on this blog is that a new homepage of Advanced Energy Engineering Majors opened. Welcome to the new tip energy page. I am responsible for the role of the HP renewing officer this time (due to various circumstances within the department not mentioned here). Although it is not limited to the homepage, I think that what is important when starting something new is a purpose and a way to do it. This time, the purpose set up in charge of the HP renewal is “to bring out the attractiveness that makes me want to enroll”. And the information freshness emphasized as a way to do that. Of course, the most noticeable thing about renewal is design renewal, and much power (time) is poured there. However, no matter how “design” is the design, the page with the oldest information fades quickly. In this renovation, in order to keep this information freshness, we updated the news page and introduce the major blog. By regularly writing events within the major, we aim to share real-time majors and keep the page fresh. Although it is an extension of the existing about news (awards, events, participation in academic societies), the blog (this page) is a new attempt, and although I tried making it, only the time passes without posting anyone It is a development that is common. So we took full advantage of the power to change the revolution completely and attached the commitment of updating blogs by faculty members or laboratories at the major conference at least once a week.

Finally, the purpose of this entry itself is the update declaration above. Despite the declaration here, it will be extremely embarrassing on the day when the blog update has become salted etc. for several months. I am wondering if it will be a slight addition of the motive power to continue updating. The image above is the new and old homepage top (right is the top being created).

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